Tuli hinku tehdä pelille oma ketju, kun asiaa tulee kuitenkin varmasti olemaan tästä lähin enenevässä määrin. Kyseessähän on siis avoimen maailman roolipeli, joka sekoittaa elementtejä länsimaisista ja japanilaisista roolipeleistä. Miljöö on aika perusfantasiaa, mutta pelissä on paljon omia pelillisiä kikkoja, kuten oikeasti todella pimeät yöt, vihollisten päällä kiipeileminen, todella monipuolinen hahmonluonti sekä mielenkiintoinen partysysteemi. Vertauksia on esitetty muun muassa niin Souls-peleihin, Oblivioniin, Monster Huntereihin kuin Shadow of the Colossukseenkin.
Mainonta pelin kohdalla on ollut vähän heikkoa, mikä on outoa koska peli on Capcomin omien sanojen mukaan heidän "kaikkien aikojen isoimpansa". Lisäksi julkaisuikkuna on vähän hankala, koska viikon sisällä julkaistaan myös mm. Diablo 3, Max Payne 3. Itsekin olin pitkään suht epätietoinen, kunnes eilen satuin törmäämään muutamaan videoon, mitkä muuttivat tämän samatien yhdeksi kevään odotetuimmista peleistä omalla kohdalla. Joitakuita saattaa kiinnostaa se, että pelin mukana tulee RE6:n demo (tai ainakin pääsy siihen).
Nimi: Dragon's Dogma
Julkaisupäivä: 25.5.2012 Euroopassa
Kehittäjä: Capcom
Ohjaaja: Hideaki Itsuno
Tuottaja: Hiroyuki Kobayashi
Alustat: PS3, Xbox 360
Demo: tulossa
Moninpeli: Ei, mutta pelaajat voivat lainata muiden pelaajien apureita itselleen ja toisilleen käytettäväksi.
The player will be able to select between various types of vocations, of which nine have been revealed: Fighter, Warrior, Mystic Knight, Strider, Ranger, Assassin, Mage, Sorcerer and Magic Archer.[4]
Gender choice and appearance settings will also be available.[5]
While the player's party is exploring the world, the three party members who accompany the main character will be controlled by artificial intelligence, but the player can issue orders like "Go", "Help" and "Come to them".
One of the party members is a non-playable character (NPC) and belongs to the main character's world. The other two party members are NPCs borrowed from other players by connecting online,
but the game will not require an internet connection. However, the player can only borrow the NPCs from other players, not their main character.[6] The party members will talk, seek the main character's help,
and provide information about enemies.[5] The player will need to work on strengthening the main character and the party members.[6]
The game will feature a "grab" action, where the main character can grab on or cling to enemies, objects, or NPCs. The player can use this feature for more advanced attacks.
For example, the main character can either grab on to a giant griffon's legs and attack it directly, or climb up to reach its head for a more lethal blow.[5]
"In a lot of action games, with big enemies the tendency is just to have you hacking away at the shins. You don't get the full effect of fighting a giant boss," Hideaki Itsuno, the director of Dragon's Dogma, said.
"With this game you can climb all over it. If it has a body part, you can attack it." The ability to climb enemies has drawn comparisons to Shadow of the Colossus.
The game also drew comparisons to Capcom's own Monster Hunter series as well as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.[7]
In addition to the large open world, Dragon's Dogma will also feature a large city environment with over 200 NPCs who will move about according to their own time schedules. The player will be able to communicate with the residents in full voice.[5]
The game is being designed to be playable even by those who are not too skilled at action games. These types of players can recruit strong NPCs and let them do the fighting during combat as they watch over the battlefield.[6]
Players can look forward to anywhere between 30 and 100 hours of gameplay, the former figure for normal play and the latter for those who wish to dig in to the game.[5]
Videot löytyy ketjun toisesta viestistä, koska niitä alkoi olemaan sen verran paljon, että olisi tullut vaan ihan helvetin sekava aloitusviesti.
Pelaajalaudan virallinen Pawn-listaus:
PSN: despire
Pawn: Benimaru
Vocation: Warrior