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katsokaa rattia
Modattu G25/G27. Olisi kyllä formulan pelaamiseen aika päheä.
PiperAlpha tiedotti virallisella F1 2011 -foorumilla, että tapahtumaan osallistuneet kirjoittivat odotetusti salassapitosopimuksen. Emme siis kuule peliä testanneilta paljastuksia uusista ominaisuuksista. No, katse täytyy pitää siis E3-messuissa, joihin ei enää olekaan kovin montaa viikkoa.
What I will say, is that the most important aspect, the handling, is a big leap forward. Even though the car feels much twitchier to drive, somehow, it feels easier to put in laps. The car reacts to your driving a lot more, and the once or twice that I did spin out, it was my fault, not the physics engines.
There are features in there that I would love to share, as they have been discussed on this forum often, but unfortunately everyone will have to wait a tad longer.
S-A-F-E-T-Y C-A-R!?