The 13 Original Xbox games releasing tomorrow will look better on the Xbox One family of devices, taking advantage of the power of Xbox One with up to 4X the pixel count on Xbox One and Xbox One S, and up to 16X the pixel count on Xbox One X. You’ll be able to play Original Xbox games on Xbox One through the disc you already own, or you can purchase the games digitally in the Microsoft Store.
Since these are original games and not remasters, Xbox Live services such as online multiplayer that were available on the original Xbox will not be available. However, offline multiplayer scenarios such as co-op and system-link are supported as they were originally. There will also be no Achievements for Original Xbox games because this functionality was also not originally available.
Below is the first curated batch of Original Xbox games we’re releasing into the Xbox One Backward Compatibility program. We expect to release another curated list of Original Xbox classics in Spring 2018, so stay tuned for more.
BloodRayne 2
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Dead to Rights
Fuzion Frenzy
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
King of Fighters Neowave
Ninja Gaiden Black
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Red Faction II
Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Lisäksi valitut X360-pelit saavat graafisen lisäboostin Xbox One X:llä:
When the world’s most powerful console launches on Nov. 7, you will be able to run select Xbox 360 games at higher resolution, 9X the original pixel count, and expanded color details. The team developed the Heutchy Method (after the engineer who created it) which leverages the power of Xbox One X to let the Xbox 360 emulator present the very best version of the game possible with the existing assets—all without touching the game code. The same method improves the graphics for Original Xbox games on Xbox One and Xbox One S.
Here are the Xbox 360 games that will join the Xbox One X Enhanced catalog on Nov. 7.
Assassin’s Creed
Fallout 3
Halo 3
Harmi, että valitsivat noin paskat pelit (Halo poislukien). Kai Bethesda haluaa lypsätä vanhoista peleistään kaiken irti Skyrimin tapaan, kun eivät osaa mitään muutakaan tehdä.
Ihan huikeita juttuja: kolmen eri genin alkuperäiset levyt pyörivät samassa koneessa, pelit pyörivät sulavammin ja näyttävät paremmalta kuin koskaan aiemmin, ilman että lähdekoodiin on kajottu. Lisäksi system linkit ym. toimivat kuten alkuperäisillä koneilla.