RE4 Remake huhuja:
However, multiple sources have indicated that, following a key project review late last year, it was decided that M-Two’s role on RE4’s remake would be significantly reduced. Capcom’s Division 1 – the internal team responsible for Resident Evil and Devil May Cry games – has now been brought in to lead the RE4 project, VGC understands.
It’s believed that the disagreements that led to M-Two’s reduced role involved the studio’s desire to stick faithfully to the template of the original Resident Evil 4, partly influenced by backlash to Resident Evil 3’s remake, which did not include significant portions of the original PlayStation game, much to fans’ disappointment.
Capcom’s production team, however, is said to prefer a direction which would see RE4’s remake inspired by the original, but with its own unique take on features, story elements and environments not necessarily confined to the blueprint of the original, similar to Resident Evil 2‘s use of Mr. X.
M-Twon visio kuulosti kyllä hyvältä. Ehkä Capcom tuli väliin, kun sen näki asiassa realiteetit; paljonko kehitysaikaa ja rahaa vaatisi siirtää uuteen peliin kaikki RE4:n alueet ja tapahtumat täydellisesti nykyisen sukupolven grafiikoilla ja teknologioilla? Paaaljon. Ei se silti muuta sitä, että useimmat tosifanit tod.näk ottaisivat mieluummin tuon version "uuden näkemyksen" sijasta.