Eurogamerilta 9/10:
If Revengeance didn't have camera issues this would be the easiest 10 I've ever given. As things stand it's still brilliant, staking out new territory in the genre and adapting certain Metal Gear characteristics so well that it makes the competition look outrageously bad. This is simply the ultimate one-man show, worth its ticket price many times over, an experience that improves exponentially as it gets faster and as you get better. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a thrilling and almost flawless fighting game - come get some.
Mutta sitten taas toisaalta:
EDGE 7/10:
There are only a handful of moves for the weapons you take from fallen bosses, and equipping them binds them to the Triangle button, taking the place of your regular heavy attack and stripping you of a good chunk of your normal moveset. You’re thrown the occasional bone – a new costume, or a stat-boosting wig – but you have no idea when they’re coming. There’s nothing to work towards, nothing like the Bayonetta bracelet that you’d spend an entire playthrough saving up for.
And while Rising’s core combat system is a delight, it’s frequently undermined by the worst thirdperson camera we’ve seen in years. It’s serviceable in more open areas, but it struggles to cope in the cramped confines of a sewer system, a nuclear facility or an office block. It’s even worse on the higher difficulties, when you’re frequently surrounded by three or more of the larger enemies at once, where that beautiful parry system is compromised by a camera that keeps whirling around in a fruitless search for a clear shot of an out-of-sight Raiden. How do you tilt the joystick towards an opponent when you can’t tell where towards is?
Eli ongelmia todellakin löytyy, pääasissa paska kamera, joka vaikuttaa suuresti peliin parry-systeemin takia. EDGEn arvostelussa huolettaa, että boss weaponit eivät olekaan kovin monipuolisia eikä pelissä ole hirveästi avattavaa. Tämä vaikuttaa jälleenpeluuarvoon, jota toivoin olevan runsaasti. Tietty Revengeance-modin läpipeluu S-rankilla vie varmasti aivan helvetisti aikaa, mutta meneekö se jo masokismin puolelle, jos kerran kamera on paska?
Täytyy nyt katsoa, kuinka paljon saan Gamestopissa vaihtopeleistä vaihdossa - täyttä hintaa en tästä maksa.