Uusi Nintendo power ulkona, toimittajan mietteitä:
“Another major improvement over the previous game is that the re-traversal aspects are now more tightly integrated into the adventure. In Echoes, being forced to hoof back to an area that you’d already explored often felt arbitrary; like it was something you had to do just because it was a Metroid game. Corruption does a far better job of giving those return trips a purpose, and often introduces some new element to keep things fresh. Your first journey to a large temple on Bryyo, for instance, is relatively quiet, and allows you to focus on simply reaching your destination. When you return later to deactive an underground shield generator, however, you’ll find that space pirates have discovered the temple and set up a mobile command post, making your second trek more combat-intensive.” - Steve Thomason, Nintendo Power editor.
“In the first six hours of the game (which is only 19% according to the in-game progress tracker), We’ve already faced off against five baddies, and all of them have been extremely well designed. They offer just the right amount of challenge, and in true series fashion force you to perfect using your various abilities in tandem. Taking down one of these goliaths always brings a great sense of accomplishment.” - Steve Thomason, Nintendo Power editor
“Best of all, none of this comes at the expense of complexity or ingenuity. As a matter of fact, these might be the most mind-bending puzzles in the series, and many of them force you to think outside the Metroid box. Corruption doesn’t throw away the rule book, but it certainly adds new chapters.” - Steve Thomason, Nintendo Power editor
Tutkimusmatkailun merkityksellisyyden korostaminen ja tiuhat pomotaistelut kuulostavat hyviltä. Varsinkin kun vaikeustaso lienee paremmin kontrollissa bossitaistoissa kuin MP2: Echoesissa.
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