According to sources with knowledge of the project, Nintendo's next console could have a retail price of anywhere between $350 and $400 based on manufacturing costs, and will ship from Taiwanese manufacturer, Foxconn, this October, putting the earliest possible retail release anywhere between mid-October and early November.
IGN:llä arvioidaan jo konsolin hintaa ja julkaisun ajankohtaa. 400€ varmistaisi ainakin sen että nyt lähdetään teholinjalle, vrt. Wii:n julkaisuhinta 269€.
Additionally, IGN has learned that the system will be based on a revamped version of AMD's R700 GPU architecture, not AMD's Fusion technology as previously believed, which will, as previously reported, out perform the PlayStation 3's NVIDIA 7800GTX-based processor. Like the Xbox 360, the system's CPU will be a custom-built triple-core IBM PowerPC chipset, but the clocking speeds will be faster. The system will support 1080p output with the potential for stereoscopic 3D as well, though it has not been determined whether that will be a staple feature.
Lienee jo selkeää että puhutaan PS3:a ja 360:stä tehokkaammasta laitteesta.
In terms of the design of the console itself, the overall size will be comparable to that of the original Xbox 360 and the system is likely to resemble a modernized version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).
Hyper Nintendo tulossa.
Pitkästä aikaa kiva kutina e3:n alla.