Microsoft tiedottanut Xbonen ominaisuuksista/vaatimuksista. Alla jotain tärkeämpiä:
- Internetyhteys vaaditaan 24h välein, tuon jälkeen edes yksinpelien pelaaminen ei onnistu
- Pelien myyminen onnistuu mutta vain, jos julkaisijat sallivat ja ainoastaan valituille jälleenmyyjille
- Kinect pakko olla kiinni, mutta sen voi kai laittaa pauselle
- Ei lainaamista, ominpäin myymistä yms.
- Pelien pois antaminen on mahdollista, mutta vain ihmisille jotka ovat olleet ystävälistalla yli 30pv. Nämä ihmiset eivät voi enään antaa peliä eteenpäin.
While a persistent connection is not required, Xbox One is designed to verify if system, application or game updates are needed and to see if you have acquired new games, or resold, traded in, or given your game to a friend. Games that are designed to take advantage of the cloud may require a connection.
With Xbox One you can game offline for up to 24 hours on your primary console, or one hour if you are logged on to a separate console accessing your library. Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.
Trade-in and resell your disc-based games: Today, some gamers choose to sell their old disc-based games back for cash and credit. We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers. Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games.
Loaning or renting games won’t be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners.
Microsoft may change its policies, terms, products and services to reflect modifications and improvements to our services, feedback from customers and our business partners or changes in our business priorities and business models or for other reasons. We may also cease to offer certain services or products for similar reasons.
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