Japsi, uskomatonta jos enkkudubbaus on äänenlaadultaan vielä tuotakin huonompi. 
Tuossa selitetäänkin porttausstudion sekoiluja tarkemmin:
When D3T ported this game, they converted all of the audio from the Yamaha AICA ADPCM Stream format, to the xWMA format. For this use, xWMA is wholly unsuitable, and completely destroys any semblance of audio quality. Beyond that, while the xWMA encoder they used (more on how I know what specific encoder they used in a minute) encodes audio at 48kbps by default, D3T opted to encode (most of) the voice files in the game at 20kbps. In the case of Shenmue, this is especially bad because the audio quality for the voices was already pretty poor (understandable for the time, but still poor).
Eipä nykyään kannata luottaa muuta kuin M2:n - ja varauksella Bluepointin - tekemiin porttauksiin. Kaikki muu on paskaa.