Sivuaa aihetta: mielenkiintoinen artikkeli siitä, miten paljon esimerkiksi iOS:n "freemium" nimikkeet tuottavat.
Let’s talk about how much money some of these games are making at the top. On last years “NDA Webinar” I figured out it was about $2,000,000 – $3,000,000 a month. Well, let’s just say the landscape is vastly changing with extreme speed.
CSR Racing (currently ranked #9 on the grossing charts) just released some data on their top grossing numbers.
In the last month, this single game generated over $12,000,000 on iOS alone. They have not ported the game to Android yet.
That is $400,000 PER DAY and they aren’t even in the top spot anymore. Pretty awesome.
Now let’s take an app that has done even better, Dragon Vale.
In the past 3 months, it has not dipped below TOP 5 grossing a single time on the iPhone or iPad. This is outperforming CSR racing, but let’s say it’s making $300,000 per day on the safe side. 25% less than CSR claimed with lower rankings.
If this is the case and it holds ranking for the rest of the year, then this single game is worth $109,500,000 PER YEAR on the low side.
Aivan hullua. Suht alhaiset tuotantokustannukset verrattuna AAA-konsolijulkaisuihin ja tälläiset tuotot.. Ei ihmekään, että uusia Freemium-pelejä syntyy kuin sieniä sateella.
Itse en ole tainnut tehdä yhtään ostoa minkään pelin sisällä, joten en (ainakaan vielä) kuulu kohderyhmään.