CoD: Ghostsin PS4-versiosta ovat jotkin arvostelijat valittaneet, että ruudunpäivitys tökkii välillä. Pelin pitäisi olla 1080p/60fps, mutta näiden raporttien mukaan ruudunpäivitys ei tosiaan pysyisi aina ihan halutulla tasolla.
Noh, nyt on sitten päässyt Digital Foundry tutkimaan asiaa ja totuus selvisi. Ongelma ei ole se, että ruudunpäivitys putoaa vaan se, että se on liian korkea.
One of the main issues surrounding the PS4 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is the somewhat erratic frame-rate reported by reviewers. On playing the unpatched version of the PS4 code for the first time, the difference in smoothness between the mostly solid 60fps of the 360 game and the more inconsistent PS4 release is quite obvious - in many scenes we see the appearance of judder and what appears to be slowdown on the PS4, perhaps surprisingly in areas where performance isn't impacted upon in either the PS3 or 360 versions.
Taking the affected clips and running them through our performance analysis tools, we expected the results to show clear frame-rate drops and small bouts of tearing, but surprisingly this wasn't the case at all, with the results showing us a largely locked 60FPS bar one or two minor dips and a solitary torn frame. Furthermore, when seeking through the footage in performance-affected areas we were confronted with unique frames on a consistent basis, thus indicating a 60fps update that we just didn't feel when playing the game.
So just what is going on? Well, a close look at our captures reveals that Call of Duty: Ghosts actually runs at higher frame-rates than 60fps on a fairly frequent basis, despite the video output being limited to 60Hz. In scenes where we experienced judder and perceived frame-rate loss, what we are actually seeing is the appearance of skipped and incomplete frames - an effect that is arguably far more noticeable than a few prolonged drops down to 50fps or so seen the 360 version of the game.
Lol? Noh, ainakin luulisi olevan helppo korjata, jos eivät vielä ole sitä tehneet. Uskomatonta, että näinkin voi tapahtua.