We already knew the Isle of Armor would at least include an additional wild area, but this demo confirmed that the entirety of the island is basically one big massive wild area, with many more diverse terrains than on the mainland. I saw coastal beaches, swampy marshes, lush forests, gloomy caves, and even deserts during my short tour. At many intervals during the story and upon entering new areas, the camera swept over each spot, creating a beautifying panoramic effect that highlighted the topography of the island. It also seems as though all of these areas can be explored as soon as you get to the island, without needing to progress the story, which leaves the pacing in the player’s hands.
Overall, each of these micro areas seemed to be a little more full with environmental touches like logs or trees than the mainland wild area was. I also saw Pokémon interact with their surroundings in ways I hadn’t before. For example, I saw a Pokémon on a tree branch in the forest. Though Nintendo couldn't confirm how we could interact with this Pokémon, I assume it could be lured down from the tree by whistling at it - like you would lure flying Pokémon down from the sky in the base Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Isle of Armor kuulostaa kyllä hyvältä. GameFreakilta loppui varmaan aika kesken, kun Wild Area jäi toteutukseltaan hyvin laihaksi aiemmin. DLC 1 syventää tämän mukaan merkittävästi juuri sitä elementtiä, tuoden kaivattua tutkimusmatkailua sarjaan. Pokemon Breath of the Wildin ja Xenobladen tasoisella tutkimisella olisi kuumaa kamaa.
Minulla on muutenkin vielä about 150 Pokemonia löytämättä, ja keskiviikkona napsahtaa sata lisää.
Kyllä tässä pelattavaa riittää, mutta eri juttu, miten kiinnostavaa se kontentti on. Rentouttavana pelaamisena menee silloin tällöin mainiosti.