Sdtekkeniin on tullut lisää tietoa T6 hahmojen liikkeistä ja uusia videoita.
EDIT: lisätty myös vaikutelmia uudesta tekkenistä
Kentät vaikuttivat aika tylsiltä (eikö vedessä ollut fysiikkaa?!)
The water effects aren’t as good as VF5 though, which is about the only thing VF5 does better than T6 right now.
The single thing that impressed me the most, however, was a small detail–Lili’s hair. Holy Jesus Lord. Team Ninja can go get screwed–it’s the best long hair ever in a 3-D video game, period. I repeatedly said wow every time someone used her. Has to be seen to be believed.
IMO this game looks FAR better than VF5 even at the testing stage. Technically it’s really impressive but what puts it over VF5 is just the design of the characters and stage. They did a really good job of making things dynamic. The underlying system of the game hasn’t changed all that much aside from Rage and the 10 frame jabs so it’s really T5DR with a fresh coat of sex over it, but then again, DR is probably the best Tekken in the series so I have no problem with the game playing similar to that.
EDIT: Korealainen Tekken-pelaaja 200wonin(maailman paras Anna pelaaja) mietteitä T6:sta.
Pelin liikkuminen muistuttaa paljon TTT:tä ja juggle systeemi T4:ää.
- 200won said Tekken 6 feels really alot like Tag because of the SS sytem. It seems you can evade alot of things by timing it right. He also mentioned he would think all chars being 10 frames would change the system dramatically, but after playing in Beta Test the difference is not that huge and it doesn’t feel that much change.
It doesn’t have that much impact on gameplay as he felt it would, which he feels is very good. He also thinks Zafina will be super strong. Her stance moves seem very deadly and unless Namco changes the properties she will most likely be top tier.
- Yoshi seems to have some godly moves, but the character needs more development accordingly to 200won. He has something new that extends his juggle properties.. (don’t know what that means.. )
- Best characters from beta test so far seem like Baek and Hwoarang. 200won said those 2 character owned all the T6 machines lol.
- Mishima EWGF seems to be weaker now. Gives less ADV on block, almost seems punishable lol. Also combos like Kaz, EWGF EWGF, jab jab is almost impossible, like Tekken 4. Wow, really big change on juggle system.

- Hwoa JFSR is super super hard to do. ala Tekken 4 style.