Betheshan community manager lupailee virallisilla foorumeilla, että Skyrim ei jää oman onnensa nojaan, edes pitkässä juoksussa:
Continued Game Updates – This week we released update 1.2 across all platforms, and we’ll be releasing an incremental update next week. We anticipate it will be up on PC first, and then hit PS3 and Xbox 360 later in the week. Among other things, the update will fix issues like magic resistance not calculating properly and the rare, amazing backwards flying dragon. Once the update is released, we’ll share the full release notes.
After the holidays, we’ll continue to release regular updates for the game — through full title updates, as well as incremental “gameplay updates” to fix whatever issues come up along with rebalancing portions of the game for difficulty or exploits. We plan on having a lot of these, not just a few. Overall, you should expect updates to be hitting the PC and Steam earlier and more often, as that’s a process we control. Console updates will follow, as they must be certified and processed by those manufacturers.
We all know this is a huge game, and everyone has a different experience. We’ll continue to do everything we can to make the game better and better for as many people as possible every day. We’ve also realized that with the millions upon millions of people playing Skyrim, we need to treat our updates with greater care. If we get too aggressive trying to fix a minor issue, we run a risk of breaking something larger in a game like this. To be safe, we are prioritizing code side fixes right now over data fixes. Quest and balance issues are usually data, and those will start rolling in a large way with the January updates.
Thanks again for your continued support and patience. We truly have the best fans in the world, and we couldn’t do it without you.
Kuulostaa lupaavalta! Oblivion ei saanut Bethesdalta tälläistä kohtelua.
EDIT: Rakastan pieniä yksityiskohtia tässä pelissä. Tänään törmäsin matkallani Solitudeen erääseen tyyppiin, joka talutti lehmäänsä. Mies sanoi, että tämä vie sen uhrilahjana jättiläiselle, joka siitä hyvästä jättää tilukset rauhaan. Tarjosin apua, mutta hän sanoi hoitavansa tämän itse.
Pari tuntia myöhemmin lampsin takaisin tiellä kohti Whiterunia ja mitä näenkään: tiellä kävelee jättiläinen mukanaan tuo samainen lehmä! 
Rakastan tätä peliä.