Jos sitä vaikka tekisi vaihteeksi oman ketjun pelille, kun tuppaa kaikki keskustelu kasautumaan noihin muutamaan isoon ketjuun aivan turhaan jokaisen pelin kohdalla.
Nimi: The Order: 1886
Kehittäjä: Ready at Dawn (mm. PSP God of War-pelit, Daxter)
Julkaisu: 20.2.2015 (PS4 yksinoikeus)
Tarinan tausta:
The Order: 1886 is set in an alternate history London, where an old order of knights keep all of the world safe from half breed monsters, who are a combination of animal and man. In the game's history, around the seventh or eighth centuries a small number of humans took on bestial traits. The majority of humans feared these half breeds and war broke out. Despite the humans outnumbering the half breeds, their animal strength gave them the upper hand in centuries of conflict.
By 1886, the war still goes on, but the humans almost have martial law. A new threat emerges in the form of the lower classes rebelling against the rich and the social order, with the Knights supporting the well-to-do upper classes and nobles.
Kyseessä on siis kolmannen persoonan räiskintä. Pelaajien kommenteista päätellen se ei yritä keksiä pyörää uudestaan, mutta tekee asiat hyvin. Kehittäjillä on ollut selkeä näkemys pelistä alusta saakka ja peli pitäytyy siinä. Paketin kruunaa kenties parhaimmat grafiikat missään pelissä tähän mennessä (kaikki välivideoita myöten in-game), upea art direction, loistava ääninäyttely ja kiinnostava juoni.
Peli on puhtaasti yksinpeli. Tämä on tietysti ihan ymmärrettävää, kun ottaa huomioon että kyseessä on kehittäjien ensimmäinen iso konsolipeli. Siis ei moninpeliä, ei DLC:tä, ei season passia eikä muuta viime vuosina tutuksi tullutta päälleliimattua huttua. Kestoa pitäisi olla siinä ~10-12h. Arvostelut pitäisi tulla torstaina.
Jotain vertailua siitä, miltä peli näytti julkistuksen aikaan vs nyt:
Jotain mietteitä GAFin puolelta:
Let me try to keep it simple. Games are interactive and audiovisual, so that's all I'll be giving thoughts on out of respect for RAD. So, here we go.
First off, the obvious. Visuals & Presentation:
The Order 1886 is has a very explicit goal. That is, to be an authentically cinematic experience, complete with richly detailed period "sets", "wardrobe", "props", expert cinematography, lighting, etc. The team at Ready At Dawn have succeeded in every respect in recreating all of these elements which ultimately come together in a way never before seen in a video game. No detail is left unrefined, everything has such an expert level of craftsmanship and polish that it quite simply sets a new standard for production values and artistic integrity. Needless to say, both the film industry and the games industry would do wise to look at The Order as the current shining example of what the medium can achieve.
Now for more sobering thoughts. Gameplay:
Every notion of what some of you may consider to be proper game design has to be suspended. The game will hold your hand. It will walk you through areas. It will funnel you. It will bombard you with simple context sensitive button prompts and loads of sharply directed and acted cutscenes. For many, this is the bane of "cinematic" games, and that's the divisive crux in The Order. But for all those criticisms which can fairly be leveled against it, The Order succeeds because the physicality and feedback of the gameplay sections (which are by no means scarce) are so well executed and consistent with the games overall quality, that not allowing it its quirks would be to completely miss the point. Personally, I think it harkens back to Metal Gear Solid in terms of pacing, to Killzone 2 for its gunplay theatricality, and to Vanquish, for its replayability. It is by no means a short game, either. It's pacing is dictated by the unskippable cutscenes and expository quasi-interactive sections.
NO. Do yourself a favor and experience it like it was meant to be.
Concluding remarks:
The Order 1886 is for lovers of old fashioned single player experiences. For those who want to see strong efforts in storytelling-focused games make a comeback. It's a highly curated museum piece for old-timey, story driven videogames, and if you cherish having a collection of finely produced games, then that's the value of The Order in a nutshell. If you're excited for a strong new IP with endless possibilities and want to see RAD put out new iterations of this level of quality, then give them the nod. I already have.
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