Tietäähän se mitä siitä syntyy kun syltty kirjottaa ja ohjaa...
Yksi lähivuosien parhaista toimintaelokuvista?

Shokkiefektin jälkeen tuo on huonoin rambo. Luit oikein.
Hey folks, Harry here... It seems there's a possibility that my source was a bit too exuberant about the certainty of Arnold Schwarzeneggar signing aboard. The whole thing is very dependent upon what happens with Arnold's primary gig as the Governor of California. As most of you know, California has been hit brutally by the financial nightmare that has descended upon the world. If you read DRUDGE or any of the papers in California, you can see a stern faced Arnold working with the California legislature to find a way to fix some of the insanity that's happening in that state. That's the primary job that Arnold is working on over the rest of his term as Governor. If there's some daylight in there somewhere, he might possibly find the time to do his friend, Stallone, a favor by being in THE EXPENDABLES. My source also tells me that if this miracle does come to pass, you'll find Arnie not as the Governor, but as something a bit more gritty, scarred and brutalized.
So... where are things? Well, let's just say - if a fucking miracle happens and California's economy turns around... we might have a miracle pairing on screen. However, if the nightmare in front of California stays murky... We may just have to wait for a brighter day. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for Sly & the state of California.