Kuinkas moni on onnistunut lataamaan MGO betan? Itselläni homma kusee Konami ID:n tekemiseen. Paska systeemi, pakko myöntää...
Vajaat kaksi tuntia latailin tuota päivitystä tuossa äsken ja nyt pyrin saamaan sen ID:n. Todella tuskaa vain näin hitaiden sivujen kanssa.
Juu... pääsin jo omia tietoja laittamaan, mutta sitten tuli taas erroria. Sinnittelen vielä tuohon 00.00 asti ja kokeilen sitten taas huomenna.
EDIT: Noniin, nyt on tunnukset ja homma pelittää. Tässä hyvä ohje miten saa helposti tehtyä:
"1) Get to the long registration form as quickly as possible... then RELAX. Fill out this form very carefully and slowly. Remember that the KONAMI ID NAME must be all lower case and the password must have at least some letters in it and be at least 8 characters long... whereas the GAME ID NAME must be different and the password must be ALL NUMERIC.
2) DON'T submit this (you'll get a timeout)... just make sure it is fully filled out and ready... keep the screen near the submit button. Then, open a new tab in your browser.
3) In the new tab, visit the Konami ID site again. Go through the first set of screens very quickly and if you manage to get to the long registration form and it loads completely (and quickly,) switch back to the tab that was fully filled out and quickly hit submit.
4) Be prepared for the confirmation page. As SOON as it loads, quickly scroll down and click REGISTER. Don't bother looking over your information, because it will time-out."