Olen siinä käsityksessä, että glykogeenivarastot saa tyhjäksi parin tunnin kovalla treenillä. Ja elimistö haluaa aina täyttää ensin glykogeenivarastot, jos siellä on yhtään vajausta.
UD 2.0 -kirjasta:
Recent research into glycogen depletion rates during weight training can let us be a bit
more specific in determining how much work to do. Assuming each of your sets lasts about 45-60
seconds (which is 15-20 reps at a fairly quick tempo or 10-12 reps at a slower tempo), you'll need
about 10-12 sets per bodypart to deplete glycogen to about the right level.
You should be using a weight that is roughly 60% of 1 rep max, tough to complete the set
but without causing failure. That will generally allow about 15-20 reps or so. Take about a
minute or a minute and a half between sets. This gives you enough rest to avoid puking, but still
lets you elevate lactate/growth hormone levels. Be warned, if you're not used to this type of
training, be prepared for some serious discomfort. Nausea, intense muscular burning and fatigue
are going to be your new friends on these workouts.
In fact, if you don't feel all those sensations and more, you're not working hard enough.
More concretely, if you're not feeling a burning sensation in the muscle you're trying to train,
you're not depleting muscle glycogen.
Nippelitietona mainittakoon, että maratoonarit saattavat joskus paskoa housuihinsa jos/kun keho käyttää aivan kaiken glykogeenin suorituksen aikana. Ilmeisesti pidättely on aivan mahdotonta siinä vaiheessa.