Tää materiaali on vissiin jostain vitsikirjasta repästy?
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You are correct Rev Jim. I myself, when I was in my sinful state, have played this game.
"When I was in my sinful state." 
Ja jatkuu
It is also popular for males to play female characters. That way they can seduce other male characters. Takes demon worship to a new level.
Viimeinen lausehan liittyy hirveästi sitä edeltävään juttuun. 
Tämäkin on kyllä niin hyvä:
I should mention, it looks like a subliminal message to me, but in the picture I closed, do you see the flaming ring of fire? Those are called Oblivion Gates which are pathways to Hell. Just looking at that imagery of the ring makes me think of, well I don't want to be too graphic for this is a Christian message board, but put "flaming" and put "hole" together, and you will see what kind of agenda this is. Clearly, the homosexual lifestyle is a gateway to Hell, but unlike in this game, you can't come back from there once you go!
Oumaigaad mistä nää repii noita juttujansa.

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